Thank you for submitting your event to The Guide with Dubai 92.
We have some guidelines to follow and some rules on what we can publish on our website.
Events must be taking place in the UAE and open to the general public.
Events should be of interest to UAE residents or visiting tourists.
All event listings must include a specific date, location, and time.
Events that are commercial in nature and attempting to advertise, promote or sell products or services of one or more businesses will not be considered.
Events associated with other radio stations will not be added to The Guide.
Fundraisers will be considered at the discretion of Dubai 92.
Submission best practices:
When writing your title, make sure it can stand alone and people will get an understanding of what the event is, if only the title is displayed. Some view formats of the calendar will display only the title without the description.
In your description, we recommend putting the most important information near the top. Concentrate on why people will want to come to your event. Most readers skim the first few sentences. If you are pasting text from another document, make sure you paste 'plain text' to ensure inadvertent formatting doesn’t accidentally get carried over to the event description.
Always upload an image, it will generate more traffic to your event!
When you are ready, you can add your event to The Guide.
10:00am - 1:00pm
1:00pm - 4:00pm