UAE, Israeli film bodies sign deal; new movie festival on the cards

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The UAE and Israel have entered into an agreement to expand cooperation in the fields of film and television.

The pact has been signed between the Abu Dhabi Film Commission (ADFC), the Israel Film Fund (IFF) and the Jerusalem Sam Spiegel Film & Television School (JSFS).

The collaboration between the sides will focus on creating content with the goal of promoting tolerance, education and developing a deeper cultural understanding between the Emirati and Israeli people.

There are plans for a regional film festival to showcase Emirati and Israeli productions and co-productions, which will rotate annually between Abu Dhabi and Israel.

Emirati students will also be able to study at the globally recognised Jerusalem Sam Spiegel Film and Television School for the first time, while UAE films will have representation at the school's International Film Lab.

Future objectives of the partnership will be announced soon and will include a bilateral film co-production agreement to facilitate projects between the film industries of Abu Dhabi and Israel.

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